Discover adventure and epic battles, a 100% epic Hard PvM International, classic gameplay, new design, no alchemy, or other useless systems! Oldschool Server - Super Optim...
Lore wrote on 30.09.2024: Chiar neam saturat de servaru asta si denumirile care le tot postezi dar e de CACAT servarul nu sta nimeni pe el sa faca lvl 30 si a si iesit NU RECOMAND Rating: Very bad
sora wrote on 26.09.2024: Not is old school Rating: Very bad
Lore wrote on 26.09.2024: disperare de playeri sunt satui cei ce au jucat acest servar e aceelasi de care se spune ca e cu multe denumiri rau servar chiar si mapele 1 si 2 Rating: Very bad
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