Metin2 P Server

Metin2 | NEW CONTENT UPDATE | Inferno - Winter Server FAME | 15.12.2023
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Online since: 01.07.2023
Max. Lv: 120
Rates: 500%
5326 Votes
Category: Newschool Root
Overall grade: Good (111 Reviews)

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  Player comments

25 total comments. 1 - 10 on this page.

    ee IT wrote on 27.04.2024:
    i mean the server is good but the grafics are a little demanding for low end devises. soo please low grafics for the game. and there isnt game specs too it would be neat.
    Rating: Satisfactory

    de winterevent wrote on 01.04.2024:
    hmmm jaaa ein winter event server ?
    schon gemerkt: es ist bereits ostern
    wie kommt dieser server auf diesen platz?
    Rating: Very bad

    gr Sotis wrote on 29.03.2024:
    Very Good Server!
    Rating: Very Good

    gb Olo wrote on 24.03.2024:
    Frumos SERVER
    Rating: Very Good

    ro jack wrote on 24.03.2024:
    Praf servar,un servar 100% dar pentru farmat pana te plictisesti l=ai sters si te joci alceva ,in rest nu ai cf pe sa donez asta e de stiut.
    Rating: Very bad

    it Zambu wrote on 01.02.2024:
    Un server bine pus la punct, felicitări celor care se ocupă de acest server.
    Rating: Very Good

    de metin2 p server reviewer wrote on 31.01.2024:
    Because evaluate servers fairly and appropriately, the game system is good, I was just very disappointed by the rest, the speed server was very short and hardly anyone had the opportunity to set it up properly before they were put together. You start there in a world where players have a 5 year head start. The item shop is a disgrace, it looks like a shop on the official server, the team responds very friendly to your request, but unfortunately nothing is done. In the game it looks like you can also earn coins, but the chance is the same as winning the lottery. You are forced to constantly spend money otherwise the fun is out of the question. The classes all cause the same damage, only some like Sura have a lot of deff, which is very unfair to other classes, warrior is not popular there because he is very bad in PVM.
    Rating: Acceptable

    tr ahmet wrote on 15.01.2024:
    idare eder
    Rating: Satisfactory

    de DerBre wrote on 08.01.2024:
    Beim einloggen jedes mal Buntzer name oder pw falsch kein gm spricht deutsch nicht mal das bekommen die hin alter
    Rating: Very bad

    de dd wrote on 24.12.2023:
    Beim loggin sagt der jedesmal Benutzer oder PW falsch. dann braucht man einen Promocode den man nicht findet. und allein die sperre das man 2 min warten muss bis man wieder versuchen kann sich einzuloggen. Minderwertig
    Rating: Bad

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